herbs de Provence

How are herbs de Provence used?

If you have ever seen Herbs de Provence in the spice section of your store, you may have wondered, “What is it?” I wondered the same thing, so I decided to find out. Herbs de Provence and salt are available for purchase online at Lafayettespices.com.

It seemed pretty high falutin’ to use either of them, so I relegated it to the fancy cooking realm. I remember watching Saturday morning television and Julia Child when I first encountered the terms “bouquet garni” and “herbs de Provence.” It is a blend of spices that can easily be incorporated into everyday cooking.

Herbs de Provence: what are they?

Herbs that grow fresh in the hills of Provence, France, were the original combination of herbs.

When the herbal blend was first formulated, it did not have a formal name. It depended on the cook and the time of year on how much of this or that and what herbs were included. However, someone decided in the 1970s to package the flavor for the world and it required a name. This fluid formula became a static “recipe” as soon as the marketing kicked in.

Provence herbs are usually composed of savory, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and thyme. They are used fresh so less is required to give them more flavor. Now that this formula isn’t just made in France, there are many variations in the ingredients found in a jar made from different parts of the world.

 It may also contain fennel, mint, coriander, sage, tarragon, bay leaves, orange peel, and cloves, in addition to the original herbs. It is up to the cook to mix the herbs they prefer with the proportions they find most pleasing.

Herbs de Provence: How To Use

When using the mix to grill meat or fish, it is either incorporated into the oil or used as a marinade. This is commonly used in recipes for roasts, tomato based sauces, and vegetable soups.

Medicine through food

When it comes to herbs, I’m always going to be looking at how they might benefit us if used in food frequently. Combining powerful antibacterials, anti-inflammatories, carminatives, antifungals, nervines, detoxifiers, and immune supporters, this blend packs a powerful punch. It’s not too much of a stretch to think that adding a dash of this combo to your food on a daily basis would help you keep the doctor away more effectively than an apple!

Due to this, I decided to make and use Herbs de Provence oil more regularly. Enjoy!

Would you like the benefits of Herbs de Provence but don’t want to make them yourself? You can find Herbs de Provence in the spice aisle of your local grocery store or buy them here.


  1. Prepare fresh herbs by chopping them up and allowing them to wilt for several hours to reduce their water content.
  2. Fill a quart jar with herbs.
  3. Apply olive oil to the herbs and cover tightly with a lid.
  4. Shake the jar every day in a bright, warm, sunny place.
  5. Strain the herbs after 4-6 weeks. After the herbs have been composted, bottle the oil.
  6. Shelves should be kept cool when storing Herbs de Provence.

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